Honey has a rich emollient and antiseptic action. It is tonic, increases the heart rate and reduces stomach ulcer problems.
It has antioxidant, antimicrobial, healing, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, immunosuppressive & cardioprotective properties. Honey also acts as a prebiotic. Strengthens the immune system due to its content of vitamins such as B1, C & A. It also contains minerals such as calcium, chlorine, sodium & potassium, which contributes to better cell function, while its enzymes are a shield to fight and fight free radicals. It is an excellent natural source of energy. It contains sugars and carbohydrates, which are immediately absorbed by the body.
It has antioxidant, antimicrobial, healing, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, immunosuppressive & cardioprotective properties. Honey also acts as a prebiotic. Strengthens the immune system due to its content of vitamins such as B1, C & A. It also contains minerals such as calcium, chlorine, sodium & potassium, which contributes to better cell function, while its enzymes are a shield to fight and fight free radicals. It is an excellent natural source of energy. It contains sugars and carbohydrates, which are immediately absorbed by the body.